About Us

the city of saint jude parish

About Us

The City of Saint Jude Parish provides hope for the hopeless by proclaiming to everyone we encounter that no-one is truly without hope who has a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Welcome

    We understand the many thoughts that can come from visiting a new church, so we want you to feel completely comfortable when you visit. Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us or talk with an usher when you visit.

  • Mass Times

    Saturday: 5:00pm | Sunday: 9:00am | Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 5:30pm | Thursday: 12:10pm

  • Handicap Accessible

    Yes! St. Jude is ADA compliant and we have two options. On the west side of the building (left side as your are approaching the entrance of the church) there is an elevator that will take you up to the church itself, and on the east side we have a wheelchair ramp.

  • Attire

    Out of respect and reverence for the Most Blessed Sacarament which is reserved in the church, we ask that all ladies wear skirts or pants that cover the knee, as well as something to cover their shoulders. For gentlemen, we ask that pants and shirts that cover the shoulders be worn.

  • Children

    We believe that it is paramount to instruct children in the Faith and in piety and reverence for the Most Blessed Sacrament from a young age. Therefore, children are invited to sit in the pews as well, and participate with everyone else present at Mass.

  • Communion Participation

    As Catholics, we believe that the bread and wine offered in the Holy Mass truly become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. As a result, participation in the reception of Holy Communion is restricted to Catholics in good standing who are not conscious of having committed any mortal sin since their last Confession. If you are not Catholic, you are invited to still come forward when everyone else does to receive Holy Communion, but you may cross your arms over your chest to indicate to the priest to give you a blessing instead; or you may remain kneeling or seated in your pew.

  • Am I Expected to Give

    No, but any generosity given, whether financial or spiritual, toward furthering the mission of the City of St. Jude is greatly appreciated.

    If you don't have cash or check we do also have an online giving option.

  • Parish Office

    The parish office is located on the north side of the church on the ground floor (rear of the church building).

  • Interpretive Center (Museum)

    If you would like to visit our museum (interpretive center), please call us at (334) 265-6791 to schedule a day and time to visit!  Groups are welcomed.

    For more information about the interpretive center visit that page under our website navigation.

Meet the Staff

Rev. Andrew B. Jones

Pastor, The City of St. Jude Parish
(334) 265-6791

Dcn. Deo McMeans

Permanent Deacon
(334) 265-6791

Dcn. Clarence Darrington

Permanent Deacon
(334) 265-6791

Mrs. Dara Stephens

Parish Life Coordinator/

(334) 265-1390

Jade Jones

Religious Education Coordinator

Jude Everage


Olive Jones

Employee of the Month

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